*Ingredients for 4 persons
°2 tablespoons of Oil & Butter Duo
°1 kg Charlotte potatoes
°2 Morteau sausages
°1 slice thick fresh lard
°200 g button mushrooms
°1 carrot
°1 red onion
°1 leek
°2 cloves garlic
°1 bottle of parsley
°1/2 liter of white wine
°1 bouquet garni
1Wash and peel the vegetables. Cut the potatoes and the carrot into thin 3mm rounds finely chop the red onion and the leeks. Cut the mushrooms into quarters. Cut the Morteau sausage and the fresh bacon into 2 cm sections.
2In a hot casserole dish with 2 tablespoons of Lesieur Oil & Butter Duo sweat the potatoes leeks onions quartered mushrooms and carrots without browning them for 3 minutes salt and pepper. Add 3/4 liter of water the white wine the bouquet garni the garlic cloves split in 2 as well as the Morteau sausage and the lard. Bring to the boil and bake covered for 2 hours at 180°C.
pour finish
Sprinkle with freshly chopped parsley before placing the casserole dish in the center of the table and enjoy this delicious simmered fondant apple right away.
Enjoy !